Wednesday, January 21, 2009

One Week and Counting!

Well, it's official: a week from this very moment I'll be out of the USA, on my way to Cameroon by way of France. That being said, I figured I'd take some time to give everyone some contact information for the upcoming semester.

Mail is always welcome, although it may be costly and it will definitely take a while to get from the US to Cameroon and vice versa. You can send letters to me at:

Jennifer Shriber
c/o The School for International Training
BP 33241
Yaounde, Cameroon

My email address will stay the same (, so feel free to send emails instead of letters. My internet access will vary throughout the semester as I travel around the country. I get the sense that internet cafes are pretty prevalent in the capital but will be hard to find in the more remote villages. I'd love to hear from everyone, though, and I'll definitely write back (even if it takes a while).

I'll be in Cameroon from January 29 through May 13. I hope you all stay in touch!

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