Monday, February 16, 2009

Greetings from Dschang!

This is my third full day in Dschang, a university town in western Cameroon. So far really like it here: it's a lot smaller and more peaceful than Yaounde, plus it's nice to be back on a campus (classes are held at the University of Dschang).

The trip here was fun but long. It was a 6 hour bus ride, with a few stops at some markets along the way. It almost felt like a scene from some movie, driving through the Cameroon countryside with African pop music blaring from the bus's speakers. When the bus stopped for gas, we were surrounded by vendors who sold us fruit through the windows.

My host family here is nice, but a lot different than in Yaounde. I'm living with an empty-nester couple, and two of their grownup granddaughters are visiting. At first I thought the granddaughters were being really rude, since they would only speak in pidgin English around me (it's MUCH different than regular English). Then I realized that the girls were Anglophone, and that Pidgin was the only language that they shared with their grandfather. They're actually really nice: the older girl has been living in MN for around 4 years and is fluent in English. I feel like I'm cheating on the program when I talk to her, though, because I'm not using French!

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