Friday, March 13, 2009

In Which I Explore the City

I've done a lot of exploring around Yaoundé recently, as the title of this blog suggests. Let me tell you a bit about it!

On Tuesday I went to a really nice park with a few friends. Le Bois de Sainte Anastasie, as it's called, is a great secluded, woody area in the midst of busy Yaoundé. It's also located across the street from a supermarket and boulangerie, so we decided to have a picnic of wine and cheese while we relaxed, listened to music, and play cards. It was a great stress-free activity after a day of class.

Yesterday I hiked up a local mountain (Mt Febe). I don't mean hiking in the traditional sense of the word: a paved road winds its way up the mountain and past a nice hotel located about mid-way up, so we followed this road the whole time. The views were great, and even a sudden burst of mysterious rain (it apparently didn't reach the rest of the city) couldn't ruin the fun. We took advantage of my friend's portable speakers to listen to music while we walked; by chance our group was made up entirely of Jews, so we felt it highly appropriate to listen to my Yiddish hip-hop CD. It was pretty surreal, rocking out to Jew music as we passed Africans along the road.

After our hike we got dinner at a local pizza place. It's geared towards ex-pats so it's a bit expensive, but it was great to have pizza after going so long without it.

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